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Splish Splash Health & Safety Guidelines

Safety Is Our Top Priority

We are so excited to welcome you and your family back to Splish Splash for the 2025 Season!

We want you to know that the safety of our Guests and Team Members is our top priority, always. We continue to practice the highest standards to best provide a safe, fun experience. We can’t do it alone, though! We count on everyone’s efforts to do their part by following our rules and policies listed online and around the park. Read on for more information about our park operations this summer. 

Communicable Diseases

Splish Splash remains committed to providing a clean, safe environment, with numerous measures in place such as regular, thorough cleaning throughout the park and hand sanitizing stations in high-traffic areas. Please know that there remains an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 or any other communicable disease in any place where people are present.

COVID-19 Guest Responsibilities

  • If you have a fever or are displaying other symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water
  • Avoid touching your face
Hand Cleansing

Hand Cleansing

Asking everyone to wash hands often with soap and water.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer

Providing sanitizer stations throughout the park.

Education and Training

Education & Training

Cleaning and safety practices are a critical part of Splish Splash staff training. This applies to new Team Members and continuing education for existing staff, and covers not only COVID-19 but all communicable illnesses and a wide variety of other subjects. Safety is our top priority.

Sanitizing Teams

Sanitizing Teams

We continue to do regular, thorough cleaning throughout the park, especially at high-traffic locations.

Face Coverings

Face Coverings

The Centers from Disease Control & Prevention recommends facial coverings be worn indoors in communities that have a high level of COVID-19 transmission and hospitalization. As of April 2022, face coverings are optional for Guests and Team Members. To review current community levels of COVID-19, visit the CDC’s website.

Planning a Visit

While we are committed to enhanced standards in an effort to keep you as healthy and safe as possible, there remains an inherent and elevated risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place and any place where people are present. People who do not show symptoms can still spread COVID-19. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and persons with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable and at higher risk for severe illness. Guests should familiarize themselves with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and evaluate their risk in determining whether they should attend our facilities. If you or a family member are ill or think that you may be getting ill, please postpone your visit until you are well.

By visiting our facility, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Splish Splash reserves the right to require a Guest to leave if the Guest is (i) using profanity, offensive or threatening language towards our Team Members or other Guests and/or (ii) violating any other Park Rules.

Season Passes
Splish Splash Season Passes

Splish Splash Season Passes